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MY SISTER..., 2013, oil canvas

Painting done on canvas with oil colors and a little of spray color.
The artist says: "I painted this artwork after that I have dreamed, in my subconscious, my younger sister I had not seen for some time.
Instinctively I've portrayed her in this natural pose while she caresses his hair"
The context in which we find the delicate female figure is an abstract scene and is dominated by bright colors synonymous with joy and happiness. The painting is dominated by the colors: red, orange, purple, light-blue, gold and white,
The work is signed in front by the artist and is made with a first support choice and colors.

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Informazioni sul file
Nome del file:87__My_Sister,_2013,_Oil_canvas.jpg
Nome album:ANNA ZYGMUNT PIETREK / Figure Umane
Realizzata nell'Anno:2013
Materiali:OLIO SU TELA
Misure dell'opera - L x A (cm):3.0cm (D) x 40.0cm (H) x 50.0cm (W) 2 kg
Altre Info sull'Opera:IN VENDITA
Dimensione del file:57 KiB
Data di inserimento:02 Ott 2013
Dimensioni immagine:480 x 394 pixels
Visualizzato:23 volte
Preferiti:Aggiungi ai preferiti
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