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VILLAGE 2 , 2013,Oil on canvas by ANNA ZYGMUNT

Oil-Painting, canvas support
2.0cm (D) x 23.0cm (H) x 30.0cm (W)
1 kg

Couple of paintings "Village Series" done on canvas with oil paint and a little of spray color. Cm. 23 x 30 each one.
They are Abstract artworks engaging and interesting and no doubt of great elegance. Superb it's the blue of the background where one can see particular reflexes. The colors are applied with finesse and explode in these landscapes, creating a wonderful brightness. The artist takes us into the solemn beauty of nature by giving us deep emotions. The paintings are dominated by the colors: white, red, rose , purple, light-blue, green - yellow, violet, orange .
The works are both signed in front by the artist and they are made with first quality colors on a canvas support in first choice

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Informazioni sul file
Nome del file:92__Village_2_ORIGINAL.jpg
Nome album:ANNA ZYGMUNT PIETREK / Quadri Astratti
Realizzata nell'Anno:2013
Materiali:OLIO SU TELA
Misure dell'opera - L x A (cm):cm. 30 x cm. 23
Altre Info sull'Opera:IN VENDITA - FOR SALE
Dimensione del file:53 KiB
Data di inserimento:28 Apr 2014
Dimensioni immagine:478 x 384 pixels
Visualizzato:28 volte
Preferiti:Aggiungi ai preferiti
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