paco martin: esposizione opere
Nome Artista paco martin
Stato attivo
Registrato 22 Gen 2013
Località spain
Interessi abstract artworks
Occupazione acrylic paintings
Sito web
Email pubblica per contatti
Biografia I was born in Samora Correia, Portugal, in 1973.
Since children, admired mix colors and try to create something.
In 2000 I moved to Zaragoza, Spain, where I live now.
I worked in the metal industry, as a professional in the area of roofs and metal structures.

After dreaming of painting my whole life, I find the need to start creating thanks to having been unemployed and having to find a way to survive and educate my children's

Over the years I've been proving various painting techniques, I conducted research on the categories of paintings, built a small studio and started to create.

I finished my first works in 2004, and this is an important moment in my life because I decided to develop what he had dreamed a lifetime. The art of painting.
I began to express the deepest and free feeling. Paint what I feel and think and not strictly what I see. I have fun painting a lot and my purpose is to communicate my feelings.
If others can feel and connect with my work, it gives me great satisfaction
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