Leonora Slavova: esposizione opere
Nome Artista Leonora Slavova
Stato attivo
Registrato 25 Mag 2013
Località Israele
Interessi Arte, disegno, pittura, fotografia
Occupazione Pittore
Sito Web https://www.facebook.com/pages/Paintings-of-Leonora-Slavova/143644748998543
Email pubblica per contatti magma@mail.bg
Biografia My name is Leonora Slavova and I was born on 1984 in Sofia, capital city of Bulgaria.
I’m daughter of Bulgarian poet - dissident and rebel Bojidar Slavov and professor of literature Rachel Levy.

I grown up in very difficult times in my country even more complicated by the repression of the powers of those times against my father..
I did not have luxurious childhood, but I had more a library full of books including also books of art, sculpture and painting and the unique atmosphere of listening to the conversations between my parents.

If I remember rightly I started painting about five or six years old mainly faces in bizarre shapes…Later after years I used to open often the illustrated art books in my house fascinated by paintings of artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Isaac Levitan, Ivan Aivazovsky etc.
Then I tried to recreate these works of art as well as I can…on paper or wood painting sometimes directly with my fingers under the strict gaze and advices of my father and from this moment began my passion for painting. The strongest period for me was when I was about thirteen – fourteen years old and I painted without break, also my paintings were filmed in TV programs in Bulgaria.

In 2000 I continued my education in High school specialized in Fine Arts “Professor Nikolai Raynov”, Sofia, where I developed my talent and learned to paint professionally.
In 2003 I was admitted at University of Sofia where I studied four years Pedagogy of Fine Art with professional qualification Teacher of Fine Arts.
I participated in many joint exhibitions with my classmates and fellow students.

After I graduated I left the painting for a certain period but the passion appeared again two years ago and since then I take every free minute to paint.

After all this impulse in me was stronger than anything.

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