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dipinto olio su tela selezionato da PAOLO LEVI E V:SGARBI Per la Mostra "2 BIENNALE DI PALERMO 2015''
International Fine Art, Inc.
511 West 25th Street, ChelseaNew York, New York 10001
Phone: 212 – 255 – 9050 Fax: 212 – 255 - 9020

Dear Stefania Cappelletti:

AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY's Curatorial Review Committee Thanks you for your fine Landscapes' submission . Our Curatorial Review Committee was most impressed by your superb Landscape Collection. AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY bears my Husband's distinguished Family Name and represents the standard of excellence of his well known New York City Name.

AMSTERDAM WHITNEY International Fine Art congratulates you on being accepted to our distinguished “Family of Artists.” After carefully reviewing your artwork, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery’s Curatorial Committee has formally selected you to participate in our elite museum-caliber Representation Program. Our Curatorial Review Committee was particularly impressed by your brilliantly colorful Landscape paintings which resonate with a profound visual message of honoring the natural terrain. We were engaged by your love of nature in your Dreamscape Reverie "IN THE SNOW" where you capture the eternal beauty of the natural realm as you convey the invisible within the visible of the terrestrial kingdom. Your stellar "BY NIGHT" ethereally glorifies the majesty and timeliness of of our universe as you radiate the divinity of nature and is a triumph of personal expression. In addition, we enjoyed your beautiful and joyful color palette in your enchanting landscape reverie "PINK" with its exciting tonal combinations which passionately reveals the eternal quality of life. We delighted in your luminous "VENEZIA" which lyrically resonates with an ephemeral dynamism as you inspire us to rejoice in the splendor of the world.. AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY would be pleased to schedule an exciting 2015 exhibition of your magical art!

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Informazioni sul file
Nome del file:by_night__pikk.jpg
Nome album:stefania cappelletti 1 / Quadri Paesaggi
Parole chiave:spoleto / pittori / opera / dipinto / olio / su / tela / paesaggismo / francese,new / york / manhattan / stefania / cappelletti
Materiali:olio su tela
Misure dell'opera - L x A (cm):80/60
Altre Info sull'Opera:disponibile
Dimensione del file:27 KiB
Data di inserimento:28 Gen 2015
Dimensioni immagine:448 x 336 pixels
Visualizzato:21 volte
Preferiti:Aggiungi ai preferiti
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