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Nude with Birds, 2012

Oil-Painting, canvas support
3.0cm (D) x 60.0cm (H) x 81.0cm (W)
3 kg

Beautiful painting that depicts a nude of woman in an shy attitude positioned in one surreal landscape of fantasy and sourrounded from beautiful birds that flutter around. the dominant colors are rose, red, violet and black. The artwork is realized on high quality linen canvas with oil colors and spray paints. The artwork is made experimenting the use of traditional techniques mixed with modern techniques of painting and the artwork is signed in front by the artist.

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Informazioni sul file
Nome del file:75_Nude_with_Birds.jpg
Nome album:ANNA ZYGMUNT PIETREK / Quadri Fantasy
Realizzata nell'Anno:2012
Materiali:OLIO SU TELA
Misure dell'opera - L x A (cm):3.0cm (D) x 60.0cm (H) x 81.0cm (W) 3 kg
Dimensione del file:36 KiB
Data di inserimento:02 Ott 2013
Dimensioni immagine:480 x 382 pixels
Visualizzato:26 volte
Preferiti:Aggiungi ai preferiti
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