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Them Two, year 2013 by ANNA ZYGMUNT

Oil-Painting, canvas support
3.0cm (D) x 50.0cm (H) x 70.0cm (W)
1 kg

With a light hand and suavity of touches the artist enhances the sweetness and tenderness of the mysterious charm that emanates from these two little angels that a seem divided by a black wall .Wonderful images and perfect colors scheme that makes the artwork of exquisite and refined workmanship.
the main colors are black, light-blue, red, rose and white.
The artwork is done in one single original copy and is painted with the use of first choice oil colors.
The support used is in the first choice canvas and the painting is signed in front by the artist.

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Informazioni sul file
Nome del file:89__Them_two~0.jpg
Nome album:ANNA ZYGMUNT PIETREK / Quadri Fantasy
Realizzata nell'Anno:2013
Materiali:OLIO SU TELA
Misure dell'opera - L x A (cm):cm. 50 x 70
Altre Info sull'Opera:IN VENDITA - FOR SALE
Dimensione del file:48 KiB
Data di inserimento:28 Apr 2014
Dimensioni immagine:478 x 341 pixels
Visualizzato:21 volte
Preferiti:Aggiungi ai preferiti
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