Home > Quadri > Quadri Fantasy

PATIENCE, year2013, cm. 80 x 60

Oil-Painting, canvas support
2.0cm (D) x 60.0cm (H) x 80.0cm (W)
1 kg

Wonderful artwork in which everything becomes mutation and thrill. Evocative the image of the girl with a perfect body, her face nuanced from the warm, muted colors, its limpid smile that captures enraptured the eye of the beholder. The painting is rich expressiveness. Expressiveness that is expressed not only through the image of the girl but also through the force of the color that the artist propels us with a unique sensitivity and simplicity and with evidence from which leaves emerge admiration for this live in the light....the colors blend on the canvas with elegance between lights and shadow ... it's possible to see the deep sense of reflection between the two ...
The painting It's dominated by the colors light-blue, pink, violet, beige and purple. The artwork is signed in front by the artist and it's made with the use of media in first choice.

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Informazioni sul file
Nome del file:97___PATIENCE2C_ORIGINAL.jpg
Nome album:ANNA ZYGMUNT PIETREK / Quadri Fantasy
Realizzata nell'Anno:2013
Materiali:OLIO SU TELA
Misure dell'opera - L x A (cm):cm. 80 x cm. 60
Altre Info sull'Opera:IN VENDITA - FOR SALE
Dimensione del file:55 KiB
Data di inserimento:28 Apr 2014
Dimensioni immagine:477 x 356 pixels
Visualizzato:30 volte
Preferiti:Aggiungi ai preferiti
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